Open Government Data

The specialized group “Open Government Data” promotes the use of open government data in Switzerland by ensuring that transaction costs at the interfaces between data producers, intermediaries, and data users are reduced to a strict minimum. Furthermore, it facilitates data users’ quality management tasks by standardizing the way data quality as well as the periodicity and timeliness of data publication are declared.

The specialized group produces aids for the publication process and collects best practices regarding data production, processing, publication, and re-use. It also fosters the develop-ment of a shared vision among the various stakeholders how data use and societal benefits of OGD are to be measured and reported.


Über die Fachgruppe

Fachgruppenleitung: Haller Stephan (Berner Fachhochschule)
Fachgruppenleitung: Roth Maik (BFS)

Mitglieder der Fachgruppe

Amsler Andreas (
Arnaud Raphaëlle (swisstopo KOGIS)
Bieri Jonas (Kanton Basel Stadt)
Cretton Fabian (HES-SO Valais-Wallis)
Dahinden Gerold (Kanton Schwyz)
Di Donato Pasquale (swisstopo KOGIS)
Di Gallo Claudio (Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv BAR)
Djakovic Boris (Kanton Basel Stadt)
Fasmeyer Florian Emmanuel (BFS)
Golliez André (Einzelmitglied)
Grüebler Michael (Statistik Stadt Zürich)
Hagmann Jürg (Einzelmitglied)
Herzog Armin (Kanton Bern)
Hitz Benedikt (Berner Fachhochschule)
Homolka Fruzsina (ASTRA)
Houmard Jean-Michel (Bakom)
Juillerat Edy (BFS)
Koller Daniela (Kanton Thurgau)
Lovato Juan Pablo (Statistisches Amt Kanton Zürich)
Mazzocco Andrea C. (IG ICT Zürcher Gemeinden)
Oderbolz Stefan (EBP Schweiz AG)
Petko Yanev (BFS)
Pietschmann Jörg (Kanton Luzern)
Pilzecker Markus (Die Wissens-Ingenieure)
Santi Fabian (BFS)
Spichtig Michèle (BFS)
Stalder Laure (Statistisches Amt Kanton Zürich)
Tanner Pascal (Kanton Aargau)
Vu Kim Lan (Bundesamt für Statistik BFS)
Weber Thomas (BIT)
Wegmann Anne (SBB AG)
Zurkinden Max